Category: Creative Writing

  • Gaimen is Over-rated

    Gaimen is Over-rated

    Gaimen is over-rated, a book rant about American Gods

  • Can the Hero’s journey be reversed?

    Can the Hero’s journey be reversed?

    Reflections on: The Night Watch by Sarah Waters My writing teachers are big fans of the Hero’s Journey story structure. It is something that with a little prodding you can see just about anywhere and many books use this same basic structure. The protagonist starts in one place emotionally (intellectually) and by the end of…

  • Dual Timelines – now I get it

    Dual Timelines – now I get it

    Reflections: The Innocence of Roast Chicken by Jo-Anne Richards I hate dual timeline books. There is a ridiculous absurdity of WW2 stories featuring a dual timeline, all of which are remarkably similar – its so common its probably its own genre at this point. And I have never seen the point of it. It gives…

  • Disclaimer

    There will be Spoilers! These are not reviews, merely the reflections and occasional rants of a book lover

  • dont go muddling your genres

    dont go muddling your genres

    The term romantasy annoys me. Mostly, because nobody knows what it means, but everybody acts like they just discovered it. While, as far as Im concerned, it has existed nearly forever just packed away in a genre most people did not think worth their time. One of the problems with trying to talk about Romantasy…