I believe writing is one of the most transferable skills

I specialise in Science Writing, creating accurate and engaging articles for print and online media
I also offer Copywriting and Content Writing. I have experience in the Tourism industry and I am competent in SEO and Marketing practises
Like all writers I am also an aspiring novelist. I use a corner of this website to share my creative writing and thoughts on books.

Use the links below to navigate to where your needs lie and use the contact page to reach out to me with any specific projects you might need help with


Creative Writing

Brigette with modern lion skull

who am i

Brigette Cohen

I am a writer. I started out as a scientist, I diverged briefly into hospitality, but writing has always been my passion. Now I am here to help you with your writing needs. PenBridge Writing specialises in Science Communication and Content Writing, with occasional forays into the purely creative.

Contact me below to discuss a specific project


There will be Spoilers! These are not reviews, merely the reflections and occasional rants of a book…

What’s her freaking problem with cars?

What’s her freaking problem with cars?

Further commentary on Manage your Money like a Grownup. Particularly a Challenge to her position on …

Book cover image

Don’t be Old and Poor

This is the best money book I have ever read

Kindle compared with paper books

The Great Debate

A recent news article reminded me why I am glad I got an e-reader

Reconstruction of site formation at Langebaanweg

Langebaanweg Part Two

The sedimentoloy, environmental interpretations and controversies around how Langebaanweg and the bo…

Book cover image The fifth season

How to Survive Continental Rifting

The Best Fantasy I have read? Incredible Worldbuilding and imaginative story structure come together…

Book cover image for A list of Cages

The Power of Kindness

An exploration of Kindness set again trauma and abuse